Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I don't know my weight and i really don't care either. I'm eating everything that is easy to make because my wife has been out of town for 3 days. Next weel will suck also because she is getting her foot operated on. I'll staet dieting again, ummm!!, Mid October?
Doing really bad with my grip ever since the comp. I got the 16 lb sledge yesterday and i could not even do one rep. Bending on Monday sucked also, i got a 7" red nail to 15 degrees but my hand is really painfull. Its the side of the knuckle of my index finger. That may be why the hammer went so porely also
I need to concentrate on kettlebells, maybe bump up my press weight to 88 lbs (40 kg) to help my grip. Also maybe a cycle of grippers and some thumb work for wide pinch. Anything but reverse right now. And i'll hold up on heavy levering also.
I'ts just depressing to not have anything working for me right now, atleast i peaked at the comp like i wanted to.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

I just wanted to update with with how i did at the steel slayer showdown last week. I took 2nd in the heavy weight division. If there were no weight classes i would have taken 3rd out of 12 guys. It was alot of fun, and i met some great guys down there. I set a PR in the reverse style. I did the 500 lb 1/4" grade 8 bolt on my second bend, then did a 5-1/2" x 1/4" grade 8 on my next bend. My elbows were killing me but i did it. DO was not that great, i did a 510 bastard after i failed to do more then kink the 555 lb x 7" Edgin. That was a dissapointment. PR in the braced bending by doing the 8" x 500 lb spike. And horshoes, well i really need to practice them alot more before next year.
After the comp they got me to try sledge hammer levering. I've messed around with the 1o lbr at the gym, but never had a structured workout with them. And never tried anything more then the 10 lb'r. I did the 12 lb'r and it was pretty easy. Then i did the 16 lb'r and that was easy, Paul asked if i had that on video yet. I said no, because it's no big deal, it's only a 16 lb'r. So i put it on video. Then Casey say that and said it was way to easy and i should do the 20 lb'r. I told him i could not do it, i tried but it almost went through my forehead. When i showed him the sledge he laughed and said that was a 25 lb sledge. So i ended up trying the 20 lb sledge. and to everyone's suprise i did it. Form was not the best but it was not terrible either. So then everyone gathered around and then Rex showed up. they went over all of the rules now so i could do it the right way (Texas style) i did it, wow that felt great, i was so punped. when they reviewed the video at the :52 sec point my wrist dropped about 1/2" lower then my elbow. damit, now i have to do it again. My next attempt failed miserably. But thats alot of sledge work considering i don't do it, and i had been bending all day. anyway they agreed it was a good job, not official but still with a little practice i could do better, alot better. So when i got home i wwent to the store and bought a 20 lb sledge. the 16 lb is also on order so i'll have that soon. Just another grip hobby that will not help me loose weight, but i'm having fun.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, i went up in weight again. I know, this blogging still does not help me to get motivated to loose weight. I'm to excited just working on grip stuff. But as soon as my wife get her foot operated on and all healed up, i will start paying attention to my weight. She helps motivate me and her foots been broken now for over 3 months. I no its no excuse but it my easy way out. I still love eating food, alteast i have not smoked in what? 4 years? i stopped counting. That was easy to quit because i just stopped. Eating is so much harder to control because you still have to do it a couple of times every day. When did you hear someone come back from re-hab saying the doctor saif i can only have 3 drinks a day? or no more then one line a day for me. NEVER, every other addiction has you stop that addiction completely. That the only way to overcome those demons. But not people addicted to eating, we just have to suffer. And that is why i feel most people who diet always go back to gaining weight eventually. very few are sucessfull. Some, but very few compared to all of us who fail, time after time.

This does not mean i'm quiting, i'm just saying why it is so hard for me. I'll get it again. It's not loosing the weight thats hard (shit i've lost 100's of lbs over the years) the hard part is maintaining it after i loose it. Like the last 2 years when i lost 60 lbs, then i gained back 70, lost 25, gained 15. I am the perfect example of a rubber band. Just last year i was working out 2-3 times per day for 6-7 days a week for about 4 months. And lost nothing!! why, because the more i worked out, the more i ate. I was in great cardio shape but i was still fat. I must have been the fatest person that could still run at a decent pace. I was at about 260 when i ran a 5K in about 28 mins. Nothing supburb but not bad for my weight.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Well i lost a little from last week, not as much as i wanted but with the Holiday weekend, anything is better then gaining weight. I will keep it going and hit it hard this week. I did not do any cardio either since last Friday because i have been fighting a cold.
Great bending night last night. I got a video of the Grade 8 reverse bend (1/4" x 6"). And then i followed that up with a 610 (6" Bastard) DO for the SS List. It was way too easy. Then i finished off my Edgin that stopped last week at 2-3/8". I used crush pads but it closed to 1-13/16" pretty easily. So at that point i gave up on my KB press / grip work out and Bruce convinced me to go for the 655 (6" Bastard) DO for the List. I did it and and even crushed it well past the 2" mark. Then i calibrated it and only came up with 630 lbs. Thats okay, i'll take a 630 bend for the list. That should stay on the list for a while. Besides, now i can increase that because it crushed real easy compared to the hex's, G 5's or Stainless. I think Gazza was right on when he said prectice with Stainless and CRS will feel like butter. Thats the goal.

Monday, September 7, 2009


After a really good pig out eating day yesterday, i'm back eating better today. And today i just messed around with alot of calibrating bending stock. So i did ALOT of partial DLing. Up to 800 lbs for a G5 x 5/16 linear "S". Doing that is a really good workout, alot more then i expected.
I did some bending also. I got a 535 Edgin to 2-3/8". All that did was confuse me a little bit. It was harder then the 525 hex, so maybe the G5 is as hard as a hex to crush. And i think the Brass is also harder to crush then CRS. I guess it is like CRS is just easier then everything!!!!!!!
I also got my Blob delivered the other day. Finally!!!. I'll try it tonight but i dought it will even break the ground. It has a rust colored finish so it has some friction compared to some of my others, but i still think it will be a while before i get this off the ground at all.

Tonights workout went well
5 sets of 1 / 1 presses with the 32 kg
5 sets of 2 pull ups with the 1-3/4" rubber band
5 sets of 2 for the 2hp @ 115 lbs

1 complete horshoe, 2 misses
reverse 1/4" x 6" Stainless Steel Square to 30 degrees
reverse 7" red nail, barely wobbled
500 lb spike, iso's over knee, 2 times of 6 sec each, slightly more of a wobble (with old leather wraps)

37.5 R & L
40 R & L (PR for my Left)
45 half lift R & L (PR for my Left)
hard 45, 47.5 & 50 never made it off the ground

Friday, September 4, 2009


My first official weigh-in in a couple of months. Not that great but atleast i lost weight this week. I went to the gym 2 nights and took KB class. So i'm starting back on the right track again. I feel like a drunk that keeps falling off the wagon, getting back on again etc..
I killed the 525 lb x 7" Hexabastard DO, i think i actually have a little more in me. Next is the Edgin at the comp !!!! But atleast i am on the Steel Slayyer list for now. 3 rd place for the moment but i do not thank that will last too long.
Then i tried for a Red Reverse and i barely got a wobble. There is such a difference when you compare weights in different sizes. I'll get it eventually.
I also rolled up a little T-fal frying pan. I needed something else on Youtube so my non bending friends had something they can appreciate. I tried fr a 1,250 pg phone book but i could not get it. I think my habds were just spent at that point. Maybe next time i'll try that before i do a bunck of bending.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Ok, the weight is coming down a little bit. I'm finally trying again this week.

Tuesday i did a kettlebell class at the gym. It really kicked my ass. I need to get back into cardio. But i made it even though my leg is really sore.

Last night, 2 huge PR's for me in bending

Red Nail (420) - No problem
7" Hexabastard (525) - PR (Steel Slayer rules) - crushed it to 1-15/16" and it was not bad on the crush. The kink seemed tough, and so did the sweep, but i lowered my hands on the crush and it made a hue difference. I got the idea from watching Eric Milfeld's video.

60 D (320) - Very easy
Grade 8 (6" x 1/4") - Not calibrated - PR - 2 hits took it to 42 degrees. Alot easier then i expected.

Bad thing is i did not get any video's because i did not think i could really finish either bend. Oh well. Atleast i'm making some realy good progress.